
Caponata – LADL Flowchart Recipe

Origin: Sicily

About: Caponata is a traditional Italian relish that can be served as an appetizer or anitpasto with bread. Although the ingredients are wildly debated, the body is made of eggplant, onion, celery and tomato. Sugar and vinegar are also necessary.

This is a relatively new dish for Sicily. Eggplant, Melanzane in Italian, is not indigenous to the island. It is believed Muslims cultivated the vegetable in the 15th century around the Mediterranean, eventually making its way to England in the 16th century. This is similar to the migration of tomatoes from Peru and Mexico by the Spanish in the 16th century. Celery, on the other hand, is native to the Mediterranean where it still grows in the wild.

Caponata can be served immediate or at room temperature. Garnish with fresh basil and/or extra virgin olive oil. A rumor is grilled fresh sardines pair well with this dish.

Served with:

  • Bread, such as Filone, similar to a French baguette.

Additions: (there are thousands of variations….)

  • Black olives, 1/2 cup, such as Moroccan or Kalamata
  • Assorted bell peppers, 2 cups, added with the celery
  • Yellow zucchini,  1 cup, cubed, added with the celery

